To my regret I have to publish here the following correction to my co-edited volume „Rudolf Hilferding. What do we still have to learn from his legacy?“.
In looking at the final proofs I have overlooked two necessary emendations in Judith Dellheim’s text:
- On p. 303 there are two references to „this chapter“ – which do refer to different texts: The first ‚this chapter‘ refers to the very text in our book on Hilferding, whereas the second refers to Judith Dellheim’s contribution to our earlier volume, i. e. to her „‚Joint-Stock Company‘ and ‚Share Capital‘ as Economic Categories of Critical Political Economy“ (in „The Unfinished System of Karl Marx“, pp. 265-298).
- On p. 302 there is a phrase which would produce the misunderstanding that Hilferding is already discussed by Judith Dellheim in the second volume of our series. This phrase should only refer back to Judith’s contribution just mentioned. Accordingly, it should be corrected to read: „The aim of my chapter in the previous volume was to illustrate how exactly Marx had developed the categories of joint-stock company and share capital and analytically distilled ‚the economic characteristics of the latest phase of capitalist development‘ – and now I shall analyse how Hilferding proceeded from these Marxian categories.“ (instead of reading, very misleadingly: „The aim of my chapter in the previous volume was to illustrate how exactly Hilferding proceeded from the Marxian categories of joint-stock company and share capital and analytically distilled ‚the economic characteristics of the latest phase of capitalist development.“)
These mistakes (together with minor ones) will be corrected in the next edition of our book. This here is to make sure that the reader is already duly informed about them before that.“